Recent content by Lalli

  1. Jesus conquers Rome and Parthia

    Furthermore Jesus hardly knew anything about leading army. As long as we can tell, he didn't ever serve in military. Prophet Mohammed had probably more understandment how military issues work. And he only just inified some tribes in Hejaz and some other pats of Arabia. Persia (what was already...
  2. Divided Iberia, does the peninsula still become major colonizers ?

    How unified these Muslim and Christians are? Would Castile and Aragon still unite as Spain?
  3. Weimar Germany Survives?

    True that there would be other candidates but they not seemed like being able form such force as Hitler did. Others either just weren't as influential or then fought who would be führer.
  4. What if the Mongols won at Ain Jalut and conquered Egypt?

    Even if Mongols manage to take Cairo I don't think that they are able go much further. The empire is already really seriously stretched and going further just would increase problems. And taking how soon afterwards the empire collapsed this probably wouldn't change really much beside that...
  5. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    And they too want to create super-virus which would wipe all non-Han Chinese people.
  6. AHC: Sea-faring Jews

    Why vikings just randomly would convert to Judaism since they didn't convert in masses to Christianity before their kings said so?
  7. Would a world with no Christianity (and thus no Islam) butterfly away the Mongol Empire/Mongol Conquests?, also looking for your critiques for my TL!

    Genghis Khan born lesser than 1200 years after POD not over 1300 years after POD unless you intend POD being something like in 100 - 200 BCE. But not really idea how this POD would affect to Mongols or was that just inevitable. Not idea about Turkid invasions. But Sassanidian Dynasty was...
  8. Weimar Germany Survives?

    You just need remove Hitler from picture so very radical movements can't have much chances to take power. Germany probably still would has some authotarian phase but not totalitarian or even outright of dictatorship. And perhaps in place of Hindenburg ratherly someone else.
  9. The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

    Public hanging? I don't suspect death penalty but weren't hangings usually carried privately not publicly? And IMO by WW2 public executions in Europe were already rarity. Probably happened same way since the POD not affect things outside of Italy before outbreak of WW2.
  10. Iranian annexation of Pakistani Balochistan

    It would be really stupid for Iran take more of minorities. Perhaps puppet state but not annexation.
  11. In the event of an Ottoman Italy, what areas could become majority Muslim and remain so.

    Arab power in Iberia lasted centuries but I can't see in Italy that lasting that long. And OE was officially established in 1299. Changes on languages would require several generations. And since Ottomans were Turkish people, probably on Italian is more of Turkish influence not so much Arabic one.
  12. The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

    I don't think that they happened anything good.
  13. In the event of an Ottoman Italy, what areas could become majority Muslim and remain so.

    I can't see Ottomans getting almost whole Italy with any way. They couldn't even capture Vienna. In Italy they would face such alliance that Ottomans are kicked out from Italy. If lucky perhaps up to Naples and with very good luck they might are able to occupy Rome briefly. But even then not any...
  14. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    There was formal allies? Do you mean that just on some reason Britain and France just decide not declare war? In that case they would lost all of their credibly when allow against their promises Hitler invading Poland. Or do you mean that on some reason Britain and France decide not promise...