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  1. Sarthak

    Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth remains an Ottoman Vassal after Michael I

    During the first stage of the Polish-Ottoman War of 1672-1676, the Ottomans gained Poland as a tributary vassal state very briefly for a few months. After Michael I's death and the military successes of Sobieski, this was reversed and Poland only sent one tributary mission to Constantinople as a...
  2. Sarthak

    WI: Early Islam Syncretized with Buddhism

    Apparently, many early Islamic scholars believed that the Buddha was one of many previous prophets sent by God whose message was corrupted by his followers. So what if based upon this idea, Early Islam ingratiated itself with as many Buddhist principles as it could and become syncretic (to at...
  3. Sarthak

    1873 Ottoman-Dutch War over Aceh

    When the Dutch first invaded Aceh in 1873 breaking the Anglo-Dutch agreements of the early 19th century due to the revisions in 1871, the Sultanate of Aceh appealed to the Ottoman Empire to honor their 300 year old alliance. And while the Ottomans provided a disproportionate amount of indirect...
  4. Sarthak

    Custodians of the World: Ottoman Grand Viziers of the Third Constitutional Era
    Threadmarks: 1914 - 1915: Mekertich Portukalian (Armenakan)

    Mekertich Portukalian 14 October 1914 – 17 July 1915 Մկրտիչ Փորթուգալեան ميكيرتيجهپورتوكاليان (Armenekan Party – Supported by the Democratic Alliance) In early 1914, the Ottoman Empire finally managed to get some breathing room for itself. Victory in the Second Balkan War and the recovery of...
  5. Sarthak

    What if the 1914 Plot led to an overthrow of the Three Pashas in August 1914 in the Ottoman Empire?

    Ahmet Riza and Ibrahim Temo believed that the July Crisis was the best way to dethrone the Three Pashas, and seeing Enver turn to Germany alongside Goeben and Breslau going towards Istanbul sent alarm bells ringing their heads. According to تهيپلوتوف۱۳۳۲ Riza and Temo sent telegrams to exiled...
  6. Sarthak

    The Bucolic War (172 - 175 AD) succeeds in restoring an independent Egypt

    In 172 AD, tensions over taxation and the increasing imposition of Latin and Greek over traditional Egyptian spheres of life led to the Bucolic War led by Isidorus, a Native Egyptian Priest. Whilst most records on this war are sparse, the records that do remain paint a panicked Rome, as this...
  7. Sarthak

    Samsara: An Antiquity Greco-Buddhist Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    -Prologue- A painting showing the fabled fight between Archangel Michael & the Garrods of the East “Verily, The Winged Beasts of the East confronted Michael in the skies above Jerusalem. Michael confronted the Garrod [1] of the East, accusing them of wickedness as the descendants of the foul...
  8. Sarthak

    Swap the fates of Taiwan and Hainan

    With a PoD of 1946 make sure that the PRC still wins the Chinese Civil War, but they successfully manage to take Taiwan but the ROC remains doggedly in Hainan. What would the effects of such a swap be in the geopolitics of the region?
  9. Sarthak

    Societal & Economic Development of an Ottoman Italy

    Piggying back off of my Development of an Ottoman Sicily idea, let's create a scenario. (I don't want to consider the realism of the scenario, but its implications). The scenario is that Mehmed the Conqueror's planned conquest of (most of) the Italian Peninsula succeeds, and the Ottomans reach...
  10. Sarthak

    The Chinese United Front Endures - China becomes a 2-Party State

    Following the Invasion of Manchuria, the pro-reconciliation members of the CCP were finally outmaneuvered by the hardliners OTL, and following the breakdown of negotiations in Nanjing in 1946 due to diplomatic dishonesty from both sides, the KMT and CCP re-established the Chinese Civil War which...
  11. Sarthak

    Development of an Ottoman Sicily?

    Both Mehmed II and Suleiman had designs upon Sicily which for the former never came about due to his death and for the latter never came about due to Suleiman's failure to capture Malta. Let's ignore Suleiman's attempt, and posit that Mehmed II instead of landing Otranto, lands in Sicily and...
  12. Sarthak

    The Eternal State: An Ottoman Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: A Thunder In the East

    Author’s Note: With absolutely no thanks to my University for making my life rough, and pulling me away from my passion for Alternate History, I return to timeline writing! I’ve always wanted to write an alternate history on a different rise of the Ottomans that leads to a new path in history...
  13. Sarthak

    Sports AH: Countries That Could Have Been Cricketing Giants

    Cricket is, by most calculations, either the second or third most popular game in the world. Whatever the case of the age old argument of being second or third, it's a very a popular game with a foothold in all continents barring Antarctica. However, despite that, Cricket is largely confined to...
  14. Sarthak

    Carthage 'wins' the Third Punic War

    By win, I don't mean march to Rome like Hannibal did. At this point, though economically prosperous and militarily recovering, Carthage had no ability to do that anymore without a land link through Iberia and due to the Numidians. What I mean by 'win' is repel all Roman invasions of Africa...
  15. Sarthak

    AHC: Ming Conquest of Vietnam is lasting.

    The Yongle Emperor famously gained prestige by reverting a loss of the Tang Dynasty by conquering Vietnam and holding it during his reign. However Vietnam was extremely rebellious during his reign and once he dropped out, the region seceded almost immediately with the local Ming garrisons and...
  16. Sarthak

    The Ladies Game: A Cricket (Sport) Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Change in the Air

    A Few Sentences before beginning……… Very few women walked the streets and sat on the balconies of their home in late 2018 without the excited murmurs of ‘World Cup’ being passed from their lips. The centennial anniversary of the Women’s Cricket World Cup (WCWC) was set to be a great...
  17. Sarthak

    With a PoD from 1982 have the Official Monster Raving Loony Party win a general election in UK

    Starting with their establishment in 1982, create a semi-plausible way in which the OMRLP wins a general election and forms a government in The United Kingdom. Also what would be the consequences of such an event? How would the party govern the UK beyond political satirism?
  18. Sarthak

    Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline
    Threadmarks: OP

    Wolfborn A Native American Timeline I am the wolfborn, the spirit of history, the core of today, and the heart of tomorrow. I am wolfborn of this land. - Old Sioux Poem. Welcome to Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline! Where Natives are given the due focus they deserve with a chance to...
  19. Sarthak

    Aftermath of a Chinese Conquest of Japan ~1598 AD after Imjin War?

    In 1597 AD, the Chinese Emperor, Wanli discussed a theoretical invasion of Japan if the Japanese did not cease in their attempt of taking Korea and entering Mainland Asia. The Ming had the ships to do so, and alongside the Koreans, the manpower to do so. Furthermore, as Japanese and Toyotomi...
  20. Sarthak

    AHC: Make a European State convert to a non-christian faith successfully after 1450 AD.

    Though they are weak examples due to the weakness of the Church in the region, Bosnia and Albania stand out as examples of two European states who slowly converted to Islam over 3 centuries of Ottoman rule. That is not what I am looking for. For this AHC, construct scenarios where European...