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  • Petike


  • Nice to see you're still around. :) Feel free to read my new timeline (first signature link) whenever you'll have the time. Take care !
  • GauchoBadger


  • I have a few ideas regarding the most recent WIP map you've posted, would you like me to elaborate?
    Sure, that WiP has sadly stagnated, so I'd appreciate any ideas which might help me kickstart it back up.
  • Petike


  • How are you doing, buddy ?
    • Like
    Reactions: M.R.L
    Hey, it's been going alright lately. Some ups and downs (and my creative juices aren't quite there at the moment), but in general it's been good enough XD
  • Dilly Mackey

  • What's the American Federal Republic?
    Iserlohn 1
    It really just serves as the backdrop to my Steve King infobox. I envisioned it as one of several successor state to a fascist United States which has collapsed in the late 1960s.

    Generally saying it does still have a political system which is very close to the US today, but in a smaller area, namely the Great Lakes region, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest.

    Was that brief primer helpful?
  • GauchoBadger


  • One more question related South Africa... have you ever thought of including a surviving Zulu empire on a map? :)
    I definitely have, but as of yet I haven't had a scenario where I thought it was appropriate.
  • GauchoBadger


  • Hey, i'd like to ask... have you ever tried doing a oneshot map about a Boer victory in the Second Boer War, including a Boer Cape Republic?
    Yes, I did. Never managed anything I liked though, at least not yet
  • bagelman

  • Your Kingdom of Florida map on MOTF 171 has gone missing :(
    Huh. It's bound to still be on my deviantArt page, though. I can't edit that post anymore anyway
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