Pragmatic Progressive
Also, have you heard (of) any music which resembles the style you imagined as Spectro? I don't follow music charts to be honest.
Isn't Steam something a lot like what you imagined TNC (The Nintendo Channel) to be? You explained TNC in the year of 2021. I of course know that this is to be seen from a 2007-08 perspective, thus I am focusing on music and tech developments instead of, e.g., war and conflict.
Isn't Steam something a lot like what you imagined TNC (The Nintendo Channel) to be? You explained TNC in the year of 2021. I of course know that this is to be seen from a 2007-08 perspective, thus I am focusing on music and tech developments instead of, e.g., war and conflict.
Maybe? I've been thinking about returning to it (and The King Under The Mountain) for a while now, and the thought of redoing Up From The Depths but in a more...planned fashion seems like a good one. ^_^ We'll see! 2021 is an open book!