Apart from the fact so many people in this world seem to make dumb decisions there are so many implications for genetic engineering, politics, etc
- Woo should be on trial as as war criminal for creating all the dinosaur esp the hybrids
- After the Dinos get loose after Fallen Kingdom anyone can get their hands on Dino DNA, so things are even more screwed
- Why where the kids not evacuated when the storm was detected in the first movie- storms are well observed well in advance
- Could Dennis Nendry not simply wait for the storm and his escape route to be secure before turning off all the power?
- Or indeed not steal the samples until he was about to go on vacation or something?
- Why did the US or Costa Rica not kill all the Dinos after the 2nd movie?
- After Fallen Kingdom why did the US not round up/kill all the loose dinos?
- If you own the IP for the DNA and can make dinos why are you trying to auction them off?
- What happened to the Siberian Park?
- Jurassic World was fine for 10 years, and though ticket sales was going down why did they not open another park during that time somewhere else?
- Ticket sales when up after JWorld announced a new Dino, great but why make such an aggressive predator?
- Costa Rica seems very passive about what is occurring on an leased island it owns
- Kill all crops except those provided by the Corp? Really? Fuck the world’s entire eco-system, cos of cross pollination and animal dependencies to make a buck when you can clone animals/crops/dinosaurs?
This entire series gets dumber as it goes on. So many retcons and lore inserts