Map Request/Challenge Thread


Considering we have had several requests for maps, I thought it would be cool if we had a thread to post our requests/Challanges.

I have one, which I am working on at the moment.

Very few requirements, so use your imagination. I only request that there be a minimum of 20 independant nations, an independant Michigan, Carolina and Georgia and that the borders be crinkled as much as possible (though this last one doesn't have to be followed as much).

Oh yes, and this is just for North America:)
I would really like one with a powerful sweden, russia and a byzantine remnant. If you could add a balkanized China and America, so much better :D
I would really like one with a powerful sweden, russia and a byzantine remnant. If you could add a balkanized China and America, so much better :D

Would this qualify?

German Kingdom.PNG
I have one, which I am working on at the moment.

Very few requirements, so use your imagination. I only request that there be a minimum of 20 independant nations, an independant Michigan, Carolina and Georgia and that the borders be crinkled as much as possible (though this last one doesn't have to be followed as much).

Oh yes, and this is just for North America:)
A world where the American Revolution somewhat failed... the "Kingdoms" in red are in union with the British Crown, but are independant in every other way. The shaded areas are nearly fully-autonomous (more than a reservation) Native American tribes. The large dark area is British Rupertsland.

Here's one I recently put in the map thread.
Here's a request for Europe;

Spain, Southern France & Italy, Greece, and Antollia are Taifa States. Shown as a post-Caliphate sucessor states.

Norman Duchies in western France, which follow a Kingdom of Aquataine

Eastern France and Rhinish Franconia form a powerful kingdom.

Stammherzogtum between the Frankish State and Poland.

Poland should be shown as having a Hansetic Leauge in the Baltic and on the Black Sea, maybe even holding the Straits.

The main British Island should be divided into 5 to eight states. One of those states should be a defensable England centered in London.

United Ireland

Southern-based Russia with fringe Northern States.

Two Italian Republics; Republic of Lombardy, and Republic of Rome

937-1032 Kingdom of Burgundy

Not sure on the Balkans

Make it reconquistor era, 15th-17th centuryish.:)


Very nice Imajin, especially Israel-in-California. :D The only thing is that I question the use of the term Dominion for Canada in this context...
Very nice Imajin, especially Israel-in-California. :D The only thing is that I question the use of the term Dominion for Canada in this context...
What I was thinking is that the Quebecois (Canadiens in TTL) weren't allowed to become a Republic by the British, so they put "Dominion" in the title to show their anti-monarchism.
European Style World

How about a map where the nations of the world are broken down into smaller nations, such as Europe is today, without the EU. Such as having eight or nine countries in North America, probably more than a dozen in South and Central America, at least four in Australia, and dividing Russia, China, etc. into much smaller nations.
I've always wondered what Europe would be like if the Frankish tribes were not allowed entry in to Roman territory. Anyone care to make an attempt at a map?


Good thread idea H'lander.

If anyone's interested, I'd like to see an imperial era world map featuring powers from non-European parts of the world that compete on equal grounds with European colonial powers, without getting to ridiculous wankfest territory where they beat the Europeans for no obvious reason. Powers in East Asia, Africa, India, perhaps the Americas if you push it.


An unexpected danger of this thread- why not post it anyway?

Because its half done, and I don't have the urge to finish it anymore:D

I've found out I'm not the best at very early TLs like the ones suggested. Just an observation.
How about this:

A Romania in Germany

Britain & Ireland united

Iceland ruled by Britain

Sweden ruling where Novogorod was

The Ukraine ruled by a Khazaria-Byzantine Empire

Bulgaria in Switzerland

Duchy of Porto/Portugal

Umayyad Caliphate (Moorish Spain)

United Emirates of Sicily-Albania-Tunis
Could someone make a map of:

-Imperial Greece after victory in the greco-turkish war, greece also has all former Hellenistic territory, albania, macedonia, constantinople, thrace, sicily, ionia, cyprus....
-balkans even more balkanized with even more states than in otl
-very powerful russia controlling more territories than the otl russian empire had in 1914
-germany is like today, east boundary along the oder
-poland is russian
-france, spain, uk, scandinavia like otl
-italy fragmented with many states under greek influence.