The NextGen OTL Worlda Series

March 10th, 2019
- Added 4.0 versions of:
* 1600
* 1648
* 1700
* 1748
* 1776
* 1803

As of now, there only remain five (!) more maps that need to be updated to 4.0: 1806, 1812, 1815, 1848, and 1861. The latter two only need central asia fixes. In short, thanks to @LSCatilina's resources, the 4.0 maps are almost finally done.

The new 4.0 maps look excellent, great work!
Father... is it over? No 3.0 series rules forever, my son.
Is... is it over? Is it finally complete?
November of 2017, I started on a journey to fully revise this site's worldas. Now, after over 400 hours in photoshop, 4 total revisions to the series, and two years of work, the NextGen series is fully updated.

MARCH 16th, 2019


- Added 4.0 versions of:
* 1806
* 1812
* 1815
* 1848
* 1861

- Added the 4.0 Label to:
* 1914
* 1920
* 1932
* 1939
* 1940
* 1941
* 1942
* 1943
* 1944
* 1945
* 1946
* 1950
* 1960
* 1980
* 2000
* 2017

- Added 1970

"Father... is it over?"
"No 3.0 series rules forever, my son"
So, what next?
So, what comes next?
As I mentioned last post, while the "original" 60 or so maps may be updated to the most accurate iteration yet, there is still room for more work! Why stop at 60 maps? Why stop here! I have plans on filling in more gaps in the series, and here's a list of maps I plan on doing:

- 600
- 750
- 1050

- 1150

World War 1
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
- 1918

- 1936

Cold War Era
- 1950
- 1990

Additionally, I look forward to what ST15RM has cooking with his series of BC maps; this is an era I never felt confident mapping, and I am so, so grateful that he has taken it upon himself to work on them. If there are any years (post 1 AD) that you want me to cover beyond the ones I listed, feel free to share! As always, continued feedback goes miles to improving this series so that they can be useful for the community at large.

Thank you all so, so much for your continued support. It means the world to me. <3
If there are any years (post 1 AD) that you want me to cover beyond the ones I listed, feel free to share! As always, continued feedback goes miles to improving this series so that they can be useful for the community at large.


- 1845
- 1865
- 1871
- 1923
- 1929
- 1933
- 1936
- 1946
- 1947
- 1949
- 1950-1953 (Korean War)
- 1962
- 1963 (Cuban Missile Crisis!)
- 1968
- 1975
- 1979 (Invasion of Afghanistan)
- 1983
- 1988
- 1989
- 2001
- 2003 (Iraq War) and every year since.
Besides what’s already been mentioned, the only extra addition I can think of is variants of some maps using more advanced colour schemes (such as THICC), but that seems to be outside the scope of this anyway
Of that list, here's what I'm considering:
- 1871
- 1923
- 1929
- 1936
- 1947
- 1953

As to why not the others:

A lot of those are very close to other years that I've already done. Example: I won't do 1845 & 1865 because I've already done 1848 and 1861. During the cold war, there were not that many border changes, so I tried to stick with doing one per decade. While a lot of years in the cold war did indeed have significant events transpiring, most of those events won't really be reflected on a map. For example, '63 isn't a great year because while the cuban missile crisis was a major event in the cold war, it doesn't really reflect on a map, and the information covered by it would be more or less covered by the 1960 map. Doing a map for every year since 2003 would essentially be just copying and pasting the 2000 map 16 times with maybe one or two of those having actual changes on them.

@hadaril Hey, I would be interested in helping with the modern 20th century maps. Is there anyway I can help with that project?

Sure! Help is always appreciated if you had some in mind you wanted to do. I've linked the .psd file in the main post which has editable years and labels on it; I think GIMP should be able to open it if you don't have photoshop, but let me know if it can't.

Lemme know if you have any questions as to how I do the maps.

1720, spread some Hapsburg Serbia (& Oltenia) love

Absolutely gonna do this one.
decided to make the Cuban Missile Crisis map:

1. Maybe some internals are wrong (particularly DRC and Indonesia)
2. South Kasai may or may not be wrong.
3. Vietnamese within Laos may be incorrect.​
Last edited:
Also, a lot of things are wrong in the 1960 map, mainly in what states are independent and which aren't. Additionally, Alaska is shown as a territory, which is wrong.


What years in the ancient era are @ST15RM planning on making into maps?
@hadaril we need more ancient civilization maps. Specifically(these are all BCE):
- 3200 (Sumer)
- 3100 (Early Egypt)
- 2800 (Kot Diji)
- 2600 (Harappa)
-2500 (Old Kingdom of Egypt)
- 2100 (Xia)
- 1600 (Mycenaean Greece and the Shang)

- 1400 (Olmec)
- 1100 (Bronze age collapse)
- 1000 (Zhou)
- 800 (Greek city states)
- 700 (Rome and Media)
- 600 (Maha Janapadas and fall of Assyria)
- 550 (Rise of Achaemenid Persia)
- 500 (Greek Golden age)
- 400 (Decline of Greece and Warring states)
- 320 (Alexander the Great)

- 250 (Parthia)
- 220 (Qin China)
- 50 (Roman Civil War)
I have bolded the ones that I am planning on doing (strikethrough is stuff i have done)