Other ideas for sci-fi/fantasy:
Bikini Bottom / Quinary Submerged City
I'd combine Hyperborea and Thule, but regarding Agartha: Mole People / Subterranean Human Subspecies
Why not go the full nine yards and have colours for Arkham, Innsmouth, Dunwich, and Kingsport?
That would probably go under Zealandia
Blorg / Fungal Aliens / Fanatic Befrienders
Church of the Broken God / Adeptus Mechanicus / Machine-Worshippers
Personally, I'd combine the Chaos Gods with the various Lovecraft deities (and add one more), like this:
R'lyeh / Forces of Cthulhu / Primary Great Old One / Chaos Undivided
Deep Ones / Forces of Dagon / Secondary Great Old One
Carcosa / Forces of Hastur / Tertiary Great Old One / Slaanesh
Forces of Nyarlathotep / Global Alien Organisation / Primary Outer God / Tzeentch
Forces of Shub-Niggurath / Secondary Outer God / Nurgle
Forces of Yog-Sothoth / Tertiary Outer God / Khorne
Forces of Azathoth / All-Powerful Alien Force