Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

Not to derail the thread, but with how different the pop culture world would be without September 11th, I do wonder how the animated show The Boondocks would have turned out.

Apparently, the original pilot made back in 2003 or 2004 was more similar to the comic strip it was based on and less anime influenced like the final show in OTL. I should also note that the original pilot was pitched to Fox before Adult Swim got a hold of it.

It's pretty good that the Coalition seems to have avoided a costly and long entanglement in Darfur and managed to stop the genocide quickly. Without the Iraq War and Bush's cowboy diplomacy, it looks like multilateralism is still alive and kicking. You could even say that Russia is more or less an active member of the liberal international order, given that they supported diplomatically the intervention in Darfur and they are full members of the international military mission in Afghanistan. If the civil wars in Syria and Libya were to happen as OTL, there might be more willingness in Western countries to consider intervening with boots on the ground.

I hope we can see "Good Omen" in pop culture 2007

Johnny Depp and Robin Williams ? JESUS
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Mmm That’s an interesting comp.

With Dubya being a one-termer and no 9/11, I wonder what Clinton’s legacy is TTL
Do you think Clinton will be a "meh" President. OBL was already known to U.S. intelligence circles in 1998 as he did declare his fatwa against the U.S. in 1996. The Khobar Tower attacks already happened too. But to the common American public, OBL in 1998 was just a "rambling madman" in a country far away and not the infamous terrorist he would be by OTL September 11, 2001.

One thing for sure, Clinton will be remembered for the Lewinsky scandal (which still happens here) and how the U.S. Navy projected its military might against the Chinese in the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis.
Mmm That’s an interesting comp.

With Dubya being a one-termer and no 9/11, I wonder what Clinton’s legacy is TTL

Do you think Clinton will be a "meh" President. OBL was already known to U.S. intelligence circles in 1998 as he did declare his fatwa against the U.S. in 1996. The Khobar Tower attacks already happened too. But to the common American public, OBL in 1998 was just a "rambling madman" in a country far away and not the infamous terrorist he would be by OTL September 11, 2001.

One thing for sure, Clinton will be remembered for the Lewinsky scandal (which still happens here) and how the U.S. Navy projected its military might against the Chinese in the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis.
I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton's legacy is probably around the same as OTL's.
With Dubya being a one-termer and no 9/11, I wonder what Clinton’s legacy is TTL
I think Edwards' presidency is going to be the most critical factor in determining that. If Edwards, a bit like Obama, is able to establish himself as a competent two term president, his political brand will start to eclipse Clinton's and the American public and Democrats will move on from him more quickly. One the other hand, if Edwards ends up like TTL's Bushes and only serves a single term, then Clinton ends up looking better in a nostalgic sort of way, being the last one to have presided over a prolonged period of political stability. Given that Edwards has a potential financial crisis on the horizon along with some character flaws, that doesn't strike me as impossible. On that note however, if Edwards ends up embroiled in an affair, I can see that reigniting memories of Clinton's philandering and really damaging the Democratic brand long term.
I think Edwards' presidency is going to be the most critical factor in determining that. If Edwards, a bit like Obama, is able to establish himself as a competent two term president, his political brand will start to eclipse Clinton's and the American public and Democrats will move on from him more quickly. One the other hand, if Edwards ends up like TTL's Bushes and only serves a single term, then Clinton ends up looking better in a nostalgic sort of way, being the last one to have presided over a prolonged period of political stability. Given that Edwards has a potential financial crisis on the horizon along with some character flaws, that doesn't strike me as impossible. On that note however, if Edwards ends up embroiled in an affair, I can see that reigniting memories of Clinton's philandering and really damaging the Democratic brand long term.
Sounds about right.
I think Edwards' presidency is going to be the most critical factor in determining that. If Edwards, a bit like Obama, is able to establish himself as a competent two term president, his political brand will start to eclipse Clinton's and the American public and Democrats will move on from him more quickly. One the other hand, if Edwards ends up like TTL's Bushes and only serves a single term, then Clinton ends up looking better in a nostalgic sort of way, being the last one to have presided over a prolonged period of political stability. Given that Edwards has a potential financial crisis on the horizon along with some character flaws, that doesn't strike me as impossible. On that note however, if Edwards ends up embroiled in an affair, I can see that reigniting memories of Clinton's philandering and really damaging the Democratic brand long term.
I’d also add that since the Long Nineties have ITTL ended with a whimper rather than a bang, the hard shift that Clinton-Bush represented for us isn’t quite as present here