Explain the AH Quote

Russia wants warm-water ports, and America wants oil. The Magadan Pact is perhaps the only treaty in which these two giants could ever find common unity.
Walter Cronkite explaining the creation of the Magadan Pact formed to share resources and corindinate against Japan as negotiations for the return of transamur to Russia have Gone Sour.

If the Military moves to kill it wont be shooting at the Ground. -Generalissimo of the Imperial Federation Winston Churchill
If the Military moves to kill it wont be shooting at the Ground. -Generalissimo of the Imperial Federation Winston Churchill
A stock line spoken in an infamous Hearts of Iron mod, The Imperial Federation of Britannia, by the playable Generalissimo Winston Churchill. The mod was infamous in the fan community for being poorly-programmed and promoting apologia for Oswald Mosley regime (1933-1975). This stock line only occurs if the player decides to support the Social Democrat faction during the German Civil War event.

"CUU: The Future of Interactive Entertainment was established with its first issue in December 1999. The magazine was the first publication focused on 'anime games' and its associated fan community, sponsored by Kenny Wu of Megatech Software and several other figures in the industry. It was aimed at the young male audience, the target demographic of such games, and featured articles, news, reviews, and advertisements centered on it. A demo of an anime game always came with every issue of the magazine."
-- An Unabridged History of Anime Games (2020) by Cynthia Wu and Hannah Everheart.
"CUU: The Future of Interactive Entertainment was established with its first issue in December 1999. The magazine was the first publication focused on 'anime games' and its associated fan community, sponsored by Kenny Wu of Megatech Software and several other figures in the industry. It was aimed at the young male audience, the target demographic of such games, and featured articles, news, reviews, and advertisements centered on it. A demo of an anime game always came with every issue of the magazine."
-- An Unabridged History of Anime Games (2020) by Cynthia Wu and Hannah Everheart.

Epigraph from a post in the timeline "Turbocharged", a what-if in which the PC Engine avoids the misfortunes that led it to fail in the Japanese market (and the abandonment of plans for an overseas release), then becoming successful both domestically and overseas and making the NEC-Hudson partnership a major player in the console market well into the 2000s. A side effect of this would be the increased prominence of "anime games" in the American market from roughly 1993 onwards, and a series of posts are dedicated to this history, each of which is headed by a quote from the in-universe work "An Unabridged History of Anime Games".

"The Great War, the Pacific War, and now this... for such a powerful country, why is the United States so bad at war?"
Epigraph from a post in the timeline "Turbocharged", a what-if in which the PC Engine avoids the misfortunes that led it to fail in the Japanese market (and the abandonment of plans for an overseas release), then becoming successful both domestically and overseas and making the NEC-Hudson partnership a major player in the console market well into the 2000s. A side effect of this would be the increased prominence of "anime games" in the American market from roughly 1993 onwards, and a series of posts are dedicated to this history, each of which is headed by a quote from the in-universe work "An Unabridged History of Anime Games".

"The Great War, the Pacific War, and now this... for such a powerful country, why is the United States so bad at war?"

Major General Smedley Butler writing about his experiences in the Great War 1911-1915 The in which the American Navy was wrecked and the American Army had been pushed out of France following the Agadir crisis the Pacific War 1917-1919 Where Japan scored a decivise victory against The United States and the 1920 recession and the Anglo-American war resulting In the Imperial Federation remained and still is to this day (1997) the most powerful nation on earth.

The traitors in Westminster have much disregard for the welfare of or people or care to serve them. Parliament, once hailed as the guardian of Legality, has devolved into a pit of self-serving agendas and partisan bickering.

The time has come for decisive action. Therefore, I, King Ernest Augustus, do hereby dissolve Parliament and assert my sole authority over the United Kingdom. It is clear that the so-called representatives of the people have failed in their duty to uphold the integrity of our nation.

O those who would decry this decision as an act of tyranny, I say this, it is not I who have abandoned the principles of legality, but rather those who have abused their power and neglected the will of the people. I stand as the last bastion of hope against the tide of corruption that threatens to engulf us.

Let it be known that from this day forth, the authority of the crown shall reign supreme. I shall govern with wisdom, justice, and unwavering resolve! __ King Ernest Augustus three days before the British civil war.
Major General Smedley Butler writing about his experiences in the Great War 1911-1915 The in which the American Navy was wrecked and the American Army had been pushed out of France following the Agadir crisis the Pacific War 1917-1919 Where Japan scored a decivise victory against The United States and the 1920 recession and the Anglo-American war resulting In the Imperial Federation remained and still is to this day (1997) the most powerful nation on earth.

The traitors in Westminster have much disregard for the welfare of or people or care to serve them. Parliament, once hailed as the guardian of Legality, has devolved into a pit of self-serving agendas and partisan bickering.

The time has come for decisive action. Therefore, I, King Ernest Augustus, do hereby dissolve Parliament and assert my sole authority over the United Kingdom. It is clear that the so-called representatives of the people have failed in their duty to uphold the integrity of our nation.

O those who would decry this decision as an act of tyranny, I say this, it is not I who have abandoned the principles of legality, but rather those who have abused their power and neglected the will of the people. I stand as the last bastion of hope against the tide of corruption that threatens to engulf us.

Let it be known that from this day forth, the authority of the crown shall reign supreme. I shall govern with wisdom, justice, and unwavering resolve! __ King Ernest Augustus three days before the British civil war.

The excerpt from King Augustus' "Tyranny of Deputies", which set the stage for the English Civil War of 1826-1829 over royalist absolutism vs the corruption of the Whig-Tory duopoly. It ended with the rise of the English republic, and King Augustus establishing a monarchy in exile in Canada.

"Churchill once said the greatest argument against democracy is a five-minute talk with an average voter. Yet he smirks in the face of Indian starvation, proving his established gentry is an even bigger con."
"Churchill once said the greatest argument against democracy is a five-minute talk with an average voter. Yet he smirks in the face of Indian starvation, proving his established gentry is an even bigger con."

A rather scathing comment made by American President Norman Thomas in regards to Prime Minister Winston Churchill's disegard over the people of the Indian subcontininent dealing with famine, especially in light of the growing rebellions against British imperialism. This was considered yet another complicated internaction between the American and British governments, due to the election of President Thomas and Vice President William Edward Burghardt Du Bois as the first socialist government within the United States of America. Many have noted this was led to the Euro-American split that occurred over after World War II and into the Cold War. With the end of World War II and decolonization, there were growing cracks, and one instance was seen over with Anglo-American relatons. While matters improved under Prime Minister Clement Atlee, the subsequent Tory regimes would see the split go through.

One side effect would be the disruption of the fate of India. While there were rumored plans to split the nation between Muslim and Hindu majoities, American invovlement and negotiations would see these plans fail in place of a unified Commonwealth of Bharat. The Euro-American split led to the various First, Second, Third and Fourth World scenarios. The First World consisted of the Americans and their close allies, which included Bharat, the Second World included most of Europe along with most of the Mddle East (except for Iran, which is aligned with the Americans), the Third World consisted of the Soviet Union and their allies such as Zaire, along with Communist China and the Fourth World consisted of non-aligned countries, especially those that wanted to flex their might like Brazil. This system lasted under the fall of the Soviet Union and the growing interconnectivity of the world. Additionally, some countries were considered part of two worlds, such as Canada and Ireland.

"One of America's earliest and closest allies would be none other than the Sikh Empire, both of whom would cooperate to aid the other, especially in dealing with the British."
A rather scathing comment made by American President Norman Thomas in regards to Prime Minister Winston Churchill's disegard over the people of the Indian subcontininent dealing with famine, especially in light of the growing rebellions against British imperialism. This was considered yet another complicated internaction between the American and British governments, due to the election of President Thomas and Vice President William Edward Burghardt Du Bois as the first socialist government within the United States of America. Many have noted this was led to the Euro-American split that occurred over after World War II and into the Cold War. With the end of World War II and decolonization, there were growing cracks, and one instance was seen over with Anglo-American relatons. While matters improved under Prime Minister Clement Atlee, the subsequent Tory regimes would see the split go through.

One side effect would be the disruption of the fate of India. While there were rumored plans to split the nation between Muslim and Hindu majoities, American invovlement and negotiations would see these plans fail in place of a unified Commonwealth of Bharat. The Euro-American split led to the various First, Second, Third and Fourth World scenarios. The First World consisted of the Americans and their close allies, which included Bharat, the Second World included most of Europe along with most of the Mddle East (except for Iran, which is aligned with the Americans), the Third World consisted of the Soviet Union and their allies such as Zaire, along with Communist China and the Fourth World consisted of non-aligned countries, especially those that wanted to flex their might like Brazil. This system lasted under the fall of the Soviet Union and the growing interconnectivity of the world. Additionally, some countries were considered part of two worlds, such as Canada and Ireland.

"One of America's earliest and closest allies would be none other than the Sikh Empire, both of whom would cooperate to aid the other, especially in dealing with the British."
Vice President and Former Texan Governor Adolf Hitler of Hitler Oil Co. speaking to the Sikh Crown Prince during the Second Great War which lead to the Utter Defeat of the Bloc Revanche which was lead by Petainist France and made of Italy Britain, and Japan.

Reporting From Roma Live: Today August 2nd 1947 The State of Falastiniya declared Independence and the Judean League Declared War after Partition of Japanese Mandatory Israel was rejected The States in Conflict are:

State of Falastiniya:
Supported by Shuratian Union (Shura is Tatar word for Council) and Other Shuminist States (Shumin is similar to Proletariat)

Judean League:
State of Levanon
Judean Republic of Aram(Syria)
Goldenburgi Aravia(Obvious)
Rothschildi Yarden(Jordan)
Rothschildi Bavel(Iraq)
Kingdom of Mitzrayim(Egypt)

and Supported by: Romana Republic,Kingdom of Bryten(Anglo Saxon),Weald of Amerika.(Weald means Dominion) and Franklia

Reporting From Roma Live: Today August 2nd 1947 The State of Falastiniya declared Independence and the Judean League Declared War after Partition of Japanese Mandatory Israel was rejected The States in Conflict are:

State of Falastiniya:
Supported by Shuratian Union (Shura is Tatar word for Council) and Other Shuminist States (Shumin is similar to Proletariat)

Judean League:
State of Levanon
Judean Republic of Aram(Syria)
Goldenburgi Aravia(Obvious)
Rothschildi Yarden(Jordan)
Rothschildi Bavel(Iraq)
Kingdom of Mitzrayim(Egypt)

and Supported by: Romana Republic,Kingdom of Bryten(Anglo Saxon),Weald of Amerika.(Weald means Dominion) and Franklia

A news headline from a timeline where Jews became the dominant group in the Near East instead of the Muslim nations. The controversy over the League of Nations handing Mandatory Israel to the Falastinian rule angered the Judean League, which invaded the newly-independent nation with all of its armies combined with its support from Western bloc. However, the Falastinians eventually repelled the invasion and occupied parts of Aram, Yarden, and Mitzrayim, albeit with great difficulty keeping dissent down from the natives.

(OOC: I have difficulty parsing out the quote because of the poor formatting).

"The Red Army exhibition was extremely controversial upon its inauguration in 1992. It focused on dispelling the myth of the clean Red Army by using contemporary documents and archival photographs. The Russian public were disturbed by the involvement of the 'noble' Red Army participating in crimes against the Finnish and Ukrainian nations, the mistreatment of Fascist Italian and French POWs, forced labour of citizens in occupied territories, and the systemic destruction of the German Empire. Neo-Stalinists rioted at the venue, resulting in 17 arrests and damage to the venue."
"The Red Army exhibition was extremely controversial upon its inauguration in 1992. It focused on dispelling the myth of the clean Red Army by using contemporary documents and archival photographs. The Russian public were disturbed by the involvement of the 'noble' Red Army participating in crimes against the Finnish and Ukrainian nations, the mistreatment of Fascist Italian and French POWs, forced labour of citizens in occupied territories, and the systemic destruction of the German Empire. Neo-Stalinists rioted at the venue, resulting in 17 arrests and damage to the venue."
The Red Army exhibition was a part of the new Russian Federation transparency program which attempted to do away with the secrecy that defined much of the old USSR and uncover a lot of information previously kept from the public.

APRIL 2022:
Californian President James Franco visits allies in Europe following invasion by President John Bolton's American Federation.
Californian President James Franco visits allies in Europe following invasion by President John Bolton's American Federation.
This invasion began following several months of increasing tensions and American irredentist claims on Californian territory. Despite the best efforts of the Californian military the country was overrun in a matter of four months by the numerically superior American troops - but not before European sanctions had heavily battered the American economy.

“The Polish-Russian Reconciliation Agreement was a truly remarkable agreement - Russia formally apologised for the Katyn massacre and the various other crimes committed by the Russian state’s various incarnations against the Polish nation, and agreed to pay reparations. The two countries also agreed to work together for the betterment of relations and a peaceful co-existence.

Unbeknownst to the world, the agreement also included a secret protocol, where echoing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Poland and Russia agreed to partition the ex-Soviet states of Eastern Europe. Poland would be allowed to take its pre-war territories in Belarus and Ukraine, along with the Baltic states, whilst Russia took the remainder of Belarus and Ukraine.”
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This invasion began following several months of increasing tensions and American irredentist claims on Californian territory. Despite the best efforts of the Californian military the country was overrun in a matter of four months by the numerically superior American troops - but not before European sanctions had heavily battered the American economy.

“The Polish-Russian Reconciliation Agreement was a truly remarkable agreement - Russia formally apologised for the Katyn massacre and the various other crimes committed by the Russian state’s various incarnations against the Polish nation, and agreed to pay reparations. The two countries also agreed to work together for the betterment of relations and a peaceful co-existence.

Unbeknownst to the world, the agreement also included a secret protocol, where echoing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Poland and Russia agreed to partition the ex-Soviet states of Eastern Europe. Poland would be allowed to take its pre-war territories in Belarus and Ukraine, along with the Baltic states, whilst Russia took the remainder of Belarus and Ukraine.”

History textbook discussing the infamous Lodz decree between Russian Alexander Dugin and Polish President Janusz Korwin Mikke. Both men had risen to power after the failure of shock therapy in the 1990s opened the door for both men to rise to power. The division of the Eastern Europe in 1996 is said to have marked the end of the post-Cold War optimism and the beginning of the Second Cold War.

"A society that suppresses things it doesn't want to hear is a society that has a death wish. America destroyed itself the moment it killed Bayard Rustin."
(obviously not TSM-verse canon response)
"A society that suppresses things it doesn't want to hear is a society that has a death wish. America destroyed itself the moment it killed Bayard Rustin."
It did indeed in the world of the Federated States of America. Rustin was one of the last civil rights leaders left after decades of Red Scare and consolidating politics, but in 1989, he too succumbed to the (second) Hoover administration. It was his unfortunate two-bullets-to-back-of-head suicide that first ignited protests on the East Coast; it was the deaths of those protestors that sparked the Libertarian revolution.

"it's all fun and games until 'world population is up by ten percent' is an understatement"
(obviously not TSM-verse canon response)

It did indeed in the world of the Federated States of America. Rustin was one of the last civil rights leaders left after decades of Red Scare and consolidating politics, but in 1989, he too succumbed to the (second) Hoover administration. It was his unfortunate two-bullets-to-back-of-head suicide that first ignited protests on the East Coast; it was the deaths of those protestors that sparked the Libertarian revolution.

"it's all fun and games until 'world population is up by ten percent' is an understatement"
From the 1986 comedy film “Cramped” starring Mel Brooks. The film, a parody of “Overpopulation dystopias”, follows the efforts of Officer Schlotzky (Brooks) as he attempts to solve a murder in a future where the environment has been deteriorating and the world population has increased “To the point where we’re makin’ up numbers to drive home the point!” The film takes elements from previous films such as “Soylent Green”, “ZPG” and “Stand on Zanzibar” and parodies and deconstructs them, showing how they don’t work if one thinks about them. For instance the “Humans everywhere” is parodied by having crowds of shabbily dressed people in every scene, including in places where logically they shouldn’t be. The environmental degradation is done by actively malicious millionaires personally, and their plannof “Fleeing the consequences of their actions by going into space” is thwarted when their rocketships are taken over by the disgruntled masses, leaving them stranded. While a box office bomb, Mel Brooks was praised for his performance, including the scene where he runs screaming through a church with the revelation that “Goo Goo Bars are made of people!”, only to be met with a random guy calling out “And this should be news to us how?” being taught in acting schools as a perfect example of bathos.

“If it hadn’t been for the Mexican Airforce, the Allies wouldn’t have been able to break out of Normandy.”—- Dwight D Eisenhower.
From the 1986 comedy film “Cramped” starring Mel Brooks. The film, a parody of “Overpopulation dystopias”, follows the efforts of Officer Schlotzky (Brooks) as he attempts to solve a murder in a future where the environment has been deteriorating and the world population has increased “To the point where we’re makin’ up numbers to drive home the point!” The film takes elements from previous films such as “Soylent Green”, “ZPG” and “Stand on Zanzibar” and parodies and deconstructs them, showing how they don’t work if one thinks about them. For instance the “Humans everywhere” is parodied by having crowds of shabbily dressed people in every scene, including in places where logically they shouldn’t be. The environmental degradation is done by actively malicious millionaires personally, and their plannof “Fleeing the consequences of their actions by going into space” is thwarted when their rocketships are taken over by the disgruntled masses, leaving them stranded. While a box office bomb, Mel Brooks was praised for his performance, including the scene where he runs screaming through a church with the revelation that “Goo Goo Bars are made of people!”, only to be met with a random guy calling out “And this should be news to us how?” being taught in acting schools as a perfect example of bathos.

“If it hadn’t been for the Mexican Airforce, the Allies wouldn’t have been able to break out of Normandy.”—- Dwight D Eisenhower.
David Diego Echeverría Leader of the Mexican Effort in Europe referred to his English Name by the Dominion of America when he was touring East of the mississippi (Into the Dominion)

"The Dutch Empire has been battered by losses in the gold coast in,The East Indies and Suriname,
It is only right for the White Plurality of Zuid Afrika to decide it's fate". -South African Stadholder Koos Strauss
"The Dutch Empire has been battered by losses in the gold coast in,The East Indies and Suriname,
It is only right for the White Plurality of Zuid Afrika to decide it's fate". -South African Stadholder Koos Strauss

Koos Strauss to the Volksraad. Strauss had always aimed at independence for South Africa, and he got his chance in the aftermath of the Shameful War, a conflict in which the Dutch lost most of their overseas empire. Thanks to his charisma, he managed to gain enough support to win the elections, and became the first president of an independent South Africa.

"Say whatever the hell you want. I'm still convinced that David Tennant would have played a far more convincing Radio Demon."
Koos Strauss to the Volksraad. Strauss had always aimed at independence for South Africa, and he got his chance in the aftermath of the Shameful War, a conflict in which the Dutch lost most of their overseas empire. Thanks to his charisma, he managed to gain enough support to win the elections, and became the first president of an independent South Africa.

"Say whatever the hell you want. I'm still convinced that David Tennant would have played a far more convincing Radio Demon."
Youmaker David Davidson discussing the lastest episode of Hazbin hotel with his friend and fellow creater Sean Thompson of the casting of Sylvestor mccoy as the Radio Demon. Depsite his stellar performance some viewers such as Davidson believed Tennant, who had also applied for the role, would have made more sense.

“THIS IS ALGERIA I mean Egypt”.
“THIS IS ALGERIA I mean Egypt”.
Blooper from Zach Snyder's "Megiddo", from the scene where Thutmose, played by Gerard Butler, confronts the Kadesh delegation after they insulted him and his kingdom, before drawing his sword on them, leading to a short fight scene. The goof was because the movie was largely filmed in Algeria, and Butler, reportedly, kept mixing up the names on set by accident.

"Megiddo", based on the French Comic of the same name, details the Battle of Megiddo, the oldest recorded battle in history, between the Empire of Egypt, and a coalition of enemies, such as the Canaanites, Kingdom of Kadesh, and the Mitanni. While the movie has been praised for its choreographed fight scenes, especially the highly regarded chariot scenes, and for being a "breath of fresh air" when it comes to Ancient Egypt, portraying the Egyptians as "ferocious warriors and conquerors, not just Pyramid-builders and hieroglyph-makers", it was also widely criticized for its gratuitous violence and sexual imagery, as well as numerous historical inaccuracies (though, contrary to the memes, it is not the lack of armor worn by soldiers on both sides, as body armor was relatively rare during the period depicted). Nonetheless, the impact on pop culture was rather profound, as it resulted in an upswing of depictions of "Medjay", the Nubian Warriors whose commander was portrayed by Peter Mensah, taking a spot alongside the commonly-chosen "Vikings", "Knights", and "Samurai" in various other works.

Initially, Zach Snyder had the idea to adapt a comic about the Spartans and the Battle of Thermopylae, but eventually decided against it, as, by his words, "The 300 Spartans did it already, why retread what's been done before, if you can try something new?".

"Can someone please tell me just what in the world I'm looking at here? Looks like a Jackson Pollock painting."
"Uh, that's China, sir."
"Can someone please tell me just what in the world I'm looking at here? Looks like a Jackson Pollock painting."
"Uh, that's China, sir."
Two art critics discussing the art of contemporary artist Hardy China (real name Randolph Best). A former musucian from Liverpool, his found object art collages would provide commentary on working class life and materialism in postwar era Britain. The example being discussed is "Bondloc and Soup".

"When the guys behind Seinfeld were brought in to write Superman, not even Jerry thought it would be anything other then a fun little novelty written by someone not from the comic book world who was merely a fan of the character. No one would predict it would end up being the greatest story arc the character had and influence the Man of Steel for decades."
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Two art critics discussing the art of contemporary artist Hardy China (real name Randolph Best). A former musucian from Liverpool, his found object art would provide commentary on working class life and materialism in postwar era Britain.

"When the guys behind Seinfeld were brought in to write Superman, not even Jerry thought it would be anything other then a fun little novelty written by someone not from the comic book world who was merely a fan of the character. No one would predict it would end up being the greatest story arc the character had and influence the Man of Steel for decades."
From Comic book reviewer Linkara’s retrospective on “Clark Kent, War Journalist”. The story arc concerns how Clark Kent handles being a war correspondent in the Rwanda-stand in country Imowe, after he is depowered by Kryptonite poisoning. Now with only his wits and human skills, Clark Kent and Lois Lane both must find a way to stop the genocide of the M’kani (Tutsi expies) at the hands of the Toruta-controlled government. The arc would take a harsh look at the genocide, and the events that led up to it, with Clark’s depowerment being an analogue for the United Nation’s peacekeeping efforts. The arc would end on a bittersweet note, with Clark regaining his powers and saving some lives, but bitterly lamenting that “He could’ve done moreL to Lois on the flight back to Metropolis. In addition to making Superman less tolerant of genocidal leaders, it also led to an expansion of the Superman supporting cast with the addition of Paul Tikon, a street-smart M’kani teenagerwho winds up adopted by Clark. The arc would be made into a DC animated movie “Superman: War Correspondent” in 2012 to widespread critical acclaim.

”And that’s how Equestria was made!”
A line from the documentary "C.S. Lewis: Writer and Soldier" by his son John Lewis about the creation of the land of Equestria from the "Chronicles of Equestria novels. C.S. Lewis was grading papers and there was a blank paper mixed in the stack. On it he wrote "In a hole in the hill there lived a Hobbit." Lewis's 9 book series about the adventures of Mr. Timmons the Hobbit journey between our world, Equestria and even the Moon, Mars and Jupiter would be made in a BBC televison program in 1967 featuring Patrick Troughton as Mr. Timmons.

“Elmo fought in Vietnam with Groover, we old pals.”